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Home / The NFT Stocks Your Portfolio Needs

The NFT Stocks Your Portfolio Needs

This represents NFT stocks.

You can invest the traditional way on a radical asset by purchasing NFT stocks. Look around the internet, and you’re bound to find the ever-growing hype around NFTs. That’s why so many companies want to adopt the tech as soon as possible.

This means investors are in luck as the old selections of the stock market may soon get a boost. Buy shares from companies that use NFTs, so your portfolio is more likely to grow. Fortunately, this article has the list of recommendations you need!

This article covers NFT recommendations that can be fit for your portfolio. After all, it would be wise to understand a company’s offerings before adding its shares to your portfolio. More importantly, we will discuss whether or not stocks with NFTs are worth it.


What Is an NFT?

We’ve talked so much about NFTs, but we haven’t discussed what they are yet. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are pieces of digital media with ownership tied to a blockchain or crypto network. This allows a person to have a unique piece despite the numerous free copies available. It has a lot of great use-cases, such as event tickets that prevent scalping. That’s why many companies want to adopt this tech in one way or another. Also, this is the reason why we have a lot of great NFT stocks nowadays.

However, people often associate NFTs with art collecting. The hype started when digital artist Beeple sold “The First 5000 Days” as an NFT for roughly $69 million.


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The NFT Stocks Your Portfolio Needs

People started buying, selling, and making NFTs ever since. They flooded the internet with so many NFT art updates that folks started to think NFTs and digital arts are the same.

Here are the best NFT stocks for your portfolio:


#1. Funko (NASDAQ: FNKO)


If you’re into video games, comic books, or movies, then you might have heard of Funko Pops. These are cute figures that represent characters from these types of media. Fans of such entertainment love to collect Funko Pops. You may find them displaying their collection in their room at home or desk at the office.

Funko kept earning sales. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for the San Diego Comic-Con. That’s why the public event had to go online instead. That’s when Funko promoted the convention with its Digital Pop collection. It’s a collection of NFTs that look the regular figurines on their store shelves.

When someone buys NFTs from Funko, it comes in an assorted pack. If the buyer gets lucky, they could get a rare NFT to redeem a limited edition physical Funko Pop. On the other hand, the buyer may sell NFTs on the WAX blockchain. It’s the crypto network that makes the Funko NFTs possible. The question is, should you add its NFT stock to your collection?

There are reasons to feel confident about Funko stock. NFT is a highly versatile blockchain technology, but most people only recognize it as digital art. When people hear about NFTs, they often think about the Bored Ape NFTs or similar ones worth millions of dollars. This means they’re more likely to buy them in this form.

What’s more, the growing popularity of comic books and other fiction stories will increase demand for Funko’s NFT collection. At the time of writing, FNKO stock was $17.50 a pop.


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#2. eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY)

NFT stock on a laptop

When you think of online shopping, Amazon often comes to mind. Yet, the name “eBay” won’t ring a bell for many people. It’s a similar company that also opened in the same year as Amazon.

The main difference between Amazon and eBay is that the latter has an auction system. You can buy stuff on Amazon much easier because most items have a fixed price.

Also, eBay just serves as a marketplace for small businesses and customers to meet. Meanwhile, Amazon has products of its own. Now, an NFT marketplace could set eBay from the eCommerce giant. Its Art NFT gallery features works from trusted sellers so that most people won’t sell virtual art. Instead, the marketplace tries to make it easier to purchase NFTs.

Regular NFT marketplaces like OpenSea require people to buy art with cryptocurrencies. Due to their wild price movements, beginners find them difficult to use. People may buy eBay NFTs with fiat money. This allows the use of conventional payment methods like PayPal or credit cards. Still, it has a few major flaws.

Buyers will still have to set up a digital crypto wallet for their NFT collections. That may beat the purpose of making it more accessible to crypto newbies. At writing, you may only buy digital art, music, and trading cards as NFTs. Perhaps the feature may improve as time passes.

There could be enough people who will try this feature to help eBay grow. At the time of writing, the price of this NFT stock was $58.70.


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#3. Coinbase (COIN)


Coinbase is a big name in the world of cryptocurrency exchanges, well-known for its easy-to-use platform that’s great for both newbies and experienced traders. It’s the biggest trading platform in terms of how much trading happens there, showing it’s trusted by many people in the crypto world. Coinbase doesn’t just handle exchanges from real money to crypto; it also lets people trade different types of cryptocurrencies with each other.

Besides being a place to trade cryptocurrencies, Coinbase also has a marketplace for NFTs, offering a new opportunity for those interested in digital collectibles. With a large number of users worldwide, Coinbase’s NFT marketplace could become very popular, potentially increasing the value of NFTs traded there.

Staying up-to-date with the latest in blockchain and cryptocurrency helps Coinbase stay competitive in the fast-changing digital asset market.


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Stocks on a monitor

NVIDIA is well-known for its powerful graphics cards, which are used in everything from computers to electric cars. Now, the company is branching out into new areas like virtual reality and digital art markets, including NFTs.

In January 2022, NVIDIA announced that it would offer its software for free to artists and creators who are building virtual worlds. This move supports the creative community and could position NVIDIA as a key player in the NFT market by enabling the creation of detailed and visually appealing digital art.

By doing this, NVIDIA isn’t just sticking to hardware; it’s also becoming a significant part of the digital and virtual creation world. This strategic expansion could make NVIDIA an interesting choice for investors interested in the future of digital content and NFTs, providing opportunities for growth and diversification in technology-focused portfolios.


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#5. Meta Platforms (META)


Meta Platforms, originally Facebook, has been diving deep into virtual reality (VR) and exploring broader digital spaces like the metaverse. The company took a big step in this direction by buying Reality Labs, a key player in VR, back in 2014. This move was part of their bigger plan to make VR more common. In 2021, they even changed their name to Meta to show how serious they are about the metaverse, which is much more than just another internet trend.

Meta is also getting into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on its platforms like Facebook and Instagram. On Instagram, NFTs are helping photographers and artists showcase and sell their work directly. This feature is now available in over 100 countries, showing Meta’s aim to be a major name in the digital and creative economy.

Meta’s work in VR and the metaverse lays a solid foundation for its NFT projects. They are positioning themselves as innovators, ready to make the most of the increasing interest in digital assets. By introducing NFTs on Instagram, one of the biggest social media sites, Meta is opening up huge possibilities for NFT creators and collectors. This could significantly boost the use and popularity of NFTs.

With billions of users globally, Meta’s platforms have the power to set trends in the market. Their move into NFTs has the potential to draw in a vast audience, something many new companies might find challenging.

Final Thoughts on NFT Stocks

If you’re planning to invest in stocks, NFT arts, or other digital assets, make sure to learn all you can think about them. This will let you invest in the best way possible.

For example, are you familiar with smart contracts? You will need to know about them if you want to invest in NFTs. Some marketplaces rely on them to function.

Note that this article is not meant to provide investment advice. It only informs readers about NFT stocks. Research assets yourself and plan your investments accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why consider NFT stocks for an investment portfolio?

Including NFT stocks in a portfolio can be a way to gain exposure to the burgeoning digital asset and blockchain industry without directly purchasing cryptocurrencies or NFTs. These stocks may offer growth potential as the technology and market continue to develop. However, they also carry risks due to the high volatility and emerging nature of the sector.

The primary risks include market volatility, regulatory changes, and the speculative nature of the NFT market. Since the NFT industry is relatively new, it can be prone to rapid shifts in investor sentiment and valuation. Regulatory scrutiny and changes can also impact the operational capabilities of companies involved in this space.

While the primary allure of NFT stocks is their growth potential due to the expanding NFT market, some companies involved in NFTs may also pay dividends, particularly those that are well-established in other business areas. However, many of the companies in the NFT space are growth-oriented and may reinvest profits back into the business rather than distribute them as dividends.

NFT stocks are highly sensitive to market trends related to digital assets and blockchain technology. Positive news, such as technological breakthroughs, successful NFT launches, or favorable regulatory developments, can drive prices up, while negative news can cause them to drop quickly. The speculative nature of the NFT market means that these stocks can be more volatile than those in more established industries.

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